Huwebes, Marso 22, 2012


Given that the English language has recently been branded as the first emerging global lingua franca (a language used widely beyond the population of its native speakers), it is virtually impossible nowadays not to know a few basic English phrases. With over a billion people speaking it, a working knowledge of the English language is an essential requirement in many professions, with English being the prominent language in communications, tourism, science, business, aviation, entertainment and diplomacy. Half of all the world’s business deals are conducted in English, two thirds of scientific papers are written in English, and over 70% of all post is written and addressed in English. Although the French, Spanish and Arabic languages may disagree profusely as a matter of cultural pride, it is unsurprising that English is destined to become the unofficial international language in future times. According to recent figures, there are now more English speaking people in China than there are in America.

I. The Isles of My Portfolio in English 121 (Writing in the Discipline)

Chapter 1. Avoiding Sentence Errors
Chapter 2. Levels of Usage
Chapter 3. Verb Usage
Chapter 4. Pronoun Usage
Chapter 5. Subject and Verb Agreement
Chapter 6. Pronoun and Antecedent Agreement
Chapter 7. Adjective and Adverb Usage
Chapter8. Miscellaneous Problems in Usage

II. Students Outputs of E-Portfolio

III. Writing in the Discipline as a Platform in Sustainable Development

With the rapid development of information technology, online learning has become an important way to acquire knowledge for college students. Learners can learn without time and space restriction by network. This interactive learning environment can be conducive to stimulate interest of learners and enhance learning effect. Interactive English platform is a distance education platform aiming to serve English instruction and self-learning for students, which plays advantages of network and reflects interactive, open, practical principles. The platform can assemble a lot of teaching resources for students in order to acquire appropriate information and perform independent learning.

IV. Reflection in English 121

At first,I really thought that there are still sentence pattern on this subject.English 121 is a branch of an English which have lots of composition which makes disturb to your mind,thinking of the topics or sentences that they use. Knowing that those kinds and part of English is like forcing yourself to eat an disgusting food which is hard to swallow. English 121 is quickly understandable .Sometimes reading the example sentences,makes you think of; how can it be?its a wrong grammar!,wrong composition of sentence,but after the teacher will explain it if how does the sentence became right you can just say to him or her that ,"its easy to explain but its hard to make a sentence using the rules.

V. Integration of Education for Sustainable Development to English 121

Education is critical for promoting sustainable development. It is therefore essential to mobilize necessary resources, including financial resources at all levels, by bilateral and multilateral donors, including the World Bank and the regional development banks, by civil society and by foundations, to complement the efforts by national governments to pursue the following goals and actions:

 (a) Meet the Millennium development goal contained in the Millennium Declaration of achieving universal primary education, ensuring that, by 2015, children everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling;
(b) Provide all children, particularly those living in rural areas and those living in poverty, especially girls, with the access and opportunity to complete a full course of primary education.